Monday, March 1, 2010

Lost a leg but not my mojo....

Finding our 'mojo' was this weeks blog topic ... and I've been procrastinating about writing it ever since I read Cindy's frank and honest posting. I can see how it would be difficult to 'feel' like a woman when you 'look' like a boy - I didn't have that problem. I still looked like a woman even though I was minus one long leg and a hip and pelvic bone on the right side of my body. I do remember wondering if my husband, Rick, would still love me after losing so much of me to cancer. I'm happy to say he did and he does! Finding my mojo again wasn't hard because apparently my husband didn't know it was missing!

It was quite funny when Rick and I went to the hospital for one of my regular CT scans about two years after my surgery and we started chatting with a young man in the waiting room. His wife was going to have the same operation I had. When I went in for my scan the young man candidly told my husband that he was going to make an appointment after his wife's surgery to become a 'eunich'... He explained that he loved his wife so much he was willing to give up his sex drive for the rest of their lives seeing as he was sure that she would no longer be capable of having or enjoying sex after losing her leg, hip and pelvis. Rick started to laugh... and he said, "You may want to cancel that appointment partner!" He was overjoyed when my husband told him that not only was intimacy still possible and enjoyable but we were thinking of having another child as well. Funny how we're put into certain places at just the right time to make a difference in someone's life. (And what a difference my husband made that day - he saved a man from losing his mojo!!)

Today in the grocery store parking lot an older man approached me with a smile...(have you ever noticed that kids and seniors have the complete freedom to approach strangers with unabashed frankness?)... We chatted about the gold medal Olympic hockey game we'd both watched and then out of the blue he said, "I used to have a one-legged lover in Yugoslavia. I loved her very much. She was the best lover I've ever had." What do you say to that? At that point in our conversation I was relieved when my husband came back from putting the grocery cart away. I just smiled and said, "My husband feels the same way I'm sure!" I'm glad I gave him the opportunity to bring back a fond memory...even as old as he was he still had his mojo working in his memories.

Maybe the lesson we need to take from these experiences is to go out and make some 'mojo' memories with the one we love while we've got it going because one day we'll be the ones approaching strangers in a parking lot and saying, "You know you look just like this person I used to love..."